
Social Media & Online Presence Management Fee Sign-up

What do you get?

Our digital marketing expertise that will make sure that as your customers are looking for your services they don't find your competitors instead.

How do we deliver it?

  • Begins with an assessment report showing your current online branding assets (website, social media) and where these rank.
  • Next we create the online assets that you may be missing (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+) emphasizing the branding message for the services you offer.
  • With all of the pertinent online assets in place we collaborate with you in the selection of keywords for the value proposition that your business has to offer your clients. (This step is combined with the previous one for initial implementation.)
  • Now we optimize the Google ranking for your website and social media  for the keywords that your customers are searching for on the internet when looking for services like yours.  We use both on-page SEO techniques (header, title, meta tags, articles) and off the page techniques using authority citations.
  • We iterate through the above sequence of steps generating assessment reports to measure improvement on a monthly basis.


Monthly Management Fee Subscription: $2,500